Sunday 9 May 2010


Here was our original plan, these were the first ideas we had about the film.

Here is our schedule we used to film "The Widow's Death":

11.30 am - Arrive at destination and check props

12.00 am - Scout around for good shots and destinations, relevant ot our storyboard

1.00 pm - Start filming

2.30 pm - Break

2.45 pm - Finish filming

2.50 pm - Pack up props, and return props to the church

Textual Analysis

For ideas for our film we looked at recent films and some ideas that they have incorporated into their films that we may be able to get ideas from.

Sin City:

From Sin City we thought about using black and white in our film and also we were thinking of adding in 'accentuated' colours, but this could be quite a hard addition to make to our film.


From Watchmen we got the idea of using a narrator for our film, although not shown in this clip, one of the main characters 'Rorschach' narrates throughout most of the movie about what he's thinking. We have semi-incorporated this into the first two minutes of our film and it would be incorporated into the rest of our film as well.

The Shining:

From The Shining we got the idea for the murder weapon of the axe, and the creepy music in the background, which we will try to incorporate into our film in the background, but if that is not possible, we will have eerie singing in the background.

We also handed around questionnaires to people we knew and asked them to fill it out, we gave the questonnaire to various ages and genders.

1.Do you like murder mystery films?
We asked this as it was a vital question to see if this age group really did like murder mystery films, as if they didn't we would have to completely change our story or aim it at an older age group.

2.Do you prefer an intense scary film or a more light hearted film?
Most boys preferred intense scary films, and many girls said they did not mind but would rather see a light hearted film if they had the choice.

3.Have you ever watched Sin City, Sherlock Holmes or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
We asked this as we were basing our film on these films and others and so if our participants said they hadn't watched them we knew our target audience was wrong, or that we shouldn't base our film on them. Most people said they had seen Sin City, some had seen Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and many said they really wanted to see Sherlock Holmes.
4.If so did you enjoy them?

Many said they loved Sin City as it was different and exciting, those who had seen Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde said the book was excellent and they love the storyline so they film was just as enjoyable even though sometimes novel remakes aren't as successful. Those who had seen Sherlock Holmes said it was exciting and surprisingly good. We knew then to definitely consider these films as an influence for our film.

5.Which would you find scarier?
-a knife
-a gun
-an axe
Our participants said it depended on the film and as it was horror they said an axe, as it wasn't something they were particularly familiar with so made them feel more insecure, and also an axe as it was bigger and more intimidating.

6.What location would you find more scary and eerie?
-a church
-a wood
Most our participants said the woods was to cliche but the church and graveyard although a convention could change and be something new, whilst with the woods you are stuck with just trees and leaves. However some said the woods as it can seem never ending and as if you were trapped, which is why we included the shots from behind the trees in our film.

7.Do you enjoy a black and white film as much as a coloured film?
A few said they didn't mind but colour was what they were used to. However some said many great films have been produced in black and white such as Sin City, and so said they were happy to have black and white.

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