Tuesday 30 March 2010

Final Film

For our final film we were asked to make a two minute opening to a film to try and engage the audience.

First we had to decide upon what genre of film we were going to film and we settled upon a horror story which we later developed into a horror and detective story. 

We had to decide on where we were going to shoot the film, and we settled upon starting the film off near a church and having the murder take place within, a church being a convention in horror films.

Ideas for shots:


La Muerte De La Viuda – The Widows Death is a horror/detective story about a woman who is killed within a church. This part of the film is at the beginning of the film. It begins June 19th, 1843.

The main film is all set before the actual murder with the story unfolding as to why the man murdered this woman. The film contains two main characters, first is the detective in the story and the second is the schizophrenic widow who is murdered.

After the murder at the beginning, it brings us back to a house where a woman is making herself dinner, when there is a knock at the door and she goes answers it - but when she opens the door no one is there. The story begins to unfold that the woman was brutally murdered by a mysterious man, with the audience not knowing who the murderer is. However, we hope that the audience suspects it is the same man as the murderer in the beginning sequence.

In the duration of the film the audience sees certain murders by the same mysterious man and the detective following his every move, eager to find out who the man really is. The audience will also view more flashbacks of the widow's life while her husband was still alive, leading to where it all went wrong.

Towards the end, the audience finds out that the murderer is in fact the widow's husband and this eventually leads to the clip at the beginning, of the widow's death. The film then resets to the current time line having all of it been set before the murder at the beginning. The ending of the film is taken up by the final confrontation between the detective and the murderer. Eventually with the film finishing with the killer being arrested and hung.


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